
Twenty-five years ago, the government embarked on an ambitious reform of the New Zealand science system, creating 10 Crown Research Institutes whose core purpose was to deliver science and research for the benefit of New Zealanders. Today, there are seven remaining.

ESR has achieved that purpose admirably in the last quarter century. ESR started life as the smallest of the CRIs. Unlike its big sisters, it is unique in that it conducts research to solve complex problems that affect New Zealanders and people around the world and also delivers high-end scientific services to protect the wellbeing of our people.

Four hundred scientists and support staff use their world-class knowledge, research skills and laboratory services to safeguard people’s health, protect food-based economies, improve the safety of freshwater and groundwater resources and contribute expert forensic science to the justice system. All of these seemingly disparate areas of work are bound together across disciplines as they work together for people and communities

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ESR 25 year book cover

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Nicola McFaull (with contribution from Jane Tolerton) and designed by Jenny Ralston
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