
ESR Clinical Data Repository (CDR) Support

The CDR support team assists users in resolving issues, navigation and optimising the functionalities of systems, including REDCap, EpiSurv, Eclair, the Public Health AIDE and the STI pilot programme.

The Data and Informatics team at ESR have established a national Clinical Data Repository (CDR) for all COVID-19 test reports, both positive and negative, from various sources across New Zealand. With this, a Support Desk was formed to assist and maintain COVID reporting facilities and connections with COVID laboratories. CDR Support has since expanded the applications they are supporting. 


Contact CDR


CDR Email:

CDR Phone:

0800 ESR CDR (0800 377 237)



Who are we supporting?


ESR Eclair – COVID-19 Reporting Application

As well as streamlining vital data on COVID-19 testing to the government, ESR Eclair(external link) is supporting eOrdering for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing and the recording of rapid antigen tests (RATs) via the Eclair RAT Reporting system. CDR Support provides assistance to Eclair users and those integrating with the Eclair Database.

ESR Eclair CDR Support is available between 7:00am and 6:00pm, Monday to Friday, and 9:00am - 4:00pm Saturday to Sunday. However, outside of these operational hours, for anything URGENT, please contact us on our helpline 0800 ESR CDR (377 237).



ESR is contracted by the Ministry of Health to maintain the national surveillance database (EpiSurv) for New Zealand. ESR regularly reports data out of EpiSurv for the purposes of public health action. EpiSurv data can also be provided by official data . CDR Support provides assistance to the users (mainly PHUs).

EpiSurv CDR Support is available Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm



CDR is providing overall support to both internal and external users of ESR’s REDCap Reporting and Recording Tool.

REDCap CDR Support is available Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm


Disclaimer: CDR does not support end users or patients, in any scenario, regarding their COVID-19 results. Please contact your Public Health Unit or Health Provider if you have queries.